Command Line Interface

Python Module

Plot variants from the given VCF file.

param in_vcf

path of the input VCF file

param linear

plot variants on a linear plot rather than a polar one [default: False]

param sample

specific sample to plot (defaults to all available samples)

param save

if true, the final plot will be saved to a file [default: False]

param output

path of the output file where the plot will be saved

param labels

if true, add a label for each variant shown [default: False]

param labels_hf

if true and labels=True, show HF value in each variant’s label [default: False]

param legend

if true, add a legend for loci colors in the plot [default: False]

param split

if true, plot split H and L strands [default: False]

param interactive

if true, create an interactive version of the plot [default: False]

Plot variant from the given pandas DataFrame.

param in_df

input pandas DataFrame

param linear

plot variants on a linear plot rather than a polar one [default: False]

param sample

specific sample to plot (defaults to all available samples)

param save

if true, the final plot will be saved to a file [default: False]

param output

path of the output file where the plot will be saved

param labels

if true, add a label for each variant shown [default: False]

param labels_hf

if true and labels=True, show HF value in each variant’s label [default: False]

param legend

if true, add a legend for loci colors in the plot [default: False]

param split

if true, plot split H and L strands [default: False]

param interactive

if true, create an interactive version of the plot [default: False]

param pos_col

column name for the variant position

param ref_col

column name for the variant reference allele

param alt_col

column name for the variant alternate allele

param sample_col

column name for the variant sample

param hf_col

column name for the variant heteroplasmic fraction

Plot variants from the given tabular file.

param in_table

path of the input tabular file

param sep

column delimiter used [default: ‘,’]

param linear

plot variants on a linear plot rather than a polar one [default: False]

param sample

specific sample to plot (defaults to all available samples)

param save

if true, the final plot will be saved to a file [default: False]

param output

path of the output file where the plot will be saved

param labels

if true, add a label for each variant shown [default: False]

param labels_hf

if true and labels=True, show HF value in each variant’s label [default: False]

param legend

if true, add a legend for loci colors in the plot [default: False]

param split

if true, plot split H and L strands [default: False]

param interactive

if true, create an interactive version of the plot [default: False]

param pos_col

column name for the variant position

param ref_col

column name for the variant reference allele

param alt_col

column name for the variant alternate allele

param sample_col

column name for the variant sample

param hf_col

column name for the variant heteroplasmic fraction

param **kwargs

additional arguments passed to pandas.read_table()